CAG (Combat Applications Group)

clan updated
Clan details
recruiting: Yes
member count: n/a
platforms: xbox, pc, ps

Voted #1 clan website on top100clans 3 years in a row before we decided to leave their website.

Finally, another note-worthy rainbow game has dropped for us all to enjoy.

  • Tired of playing alone?
  • Tired of teaming up with people more interested in playing selfishly?
  • Want to be part of a team who work together and PTFO?

Look no further, CAG have your back!

We are always on the lookout for mature and like-minded gamers. though all ages of applicant are considered.

We are a Multi platform and multi game based community with a member base in to the thousands, we have competitive and casual teams on most games including but not limited to RB6, Battlefield, BOPS3, WoT and Destiny.

Since being such a large clan with a wide variety of players from around the world you will never be stuck running solo again, we pride ourselves on our teamwork and have fun while playing.

The only requirement for joining is the ownership of a working mic to communicate with other members in game.

Game time with fellow members can earn a player awards to brag about which can lead to promotions within the clan.

Be a Victim or be on our Roster!!

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