The Rainbow Six Bootcamp content bounty program is designed to grow this site by rewarding community members for contributing great content.
How it Works
Check the Content Bounty Board on GitHub to find out what pages we are currently seeking help producing great content for. Check GitHub Issues for RainbowSixBootcamp to see if anyone has already started working on one of the bounties. If not, create an issue to let us know what bounty you are pursuing. Fork the repository, then clone your fork and begin writing great content. Once you are satisfied, submit a pull request for us to review your work. If all looks good, we will approve the PR and merge your work with the main site. You will get listed as a contributor to the site as well.
For information on how to actually fork a repository and fully contribute code / content to the site, visit the contributing page.
Once your work has been approved and merged, you will have earned the minimum reward listed for that bounty. After your work has been deployed to http://rainbowsixbootcamp.com, you can earn a bonus on your bounty. For example, if the bonus for the bounty is listed as $10 and the requirement is 10,000 pageviews/30 days, then you will earn an additional $10 bonus for your page receiving at least 10,000 pageviews within the first 30.
You will have the option to receive your reward as a Steam or Amazon Gift Card. You will receive your entire reward within 15 days after the bonus period has ended.
- It is required that you create a GH Issue reserving the right to earn a reward before beginning work on a bounty.
- You have 10 days from submitting an Issue to complete the work required and submit a PR for the bounty.
- If the work is not completed within 10 days, then the bounty is eligible for others to submit an Issue to reserve the right to the reward.
- You cannot reserve the right to a bounty reward that someone has already claimed until after the 10 days for their reservation has ended.
- If you do not provide us with a choice of Steam or Amazon gift card, we will default to Amazon.
- Each bounty will have a minimum bounty amount, a bonus bounty amount and a bonus bounty requirement.
- To earn the bonus bounty amount, the page completed to earn the bounty must meet the requirements within the time frame defined. For instance, if the bonus bounty is
20,000 pageviews / 60 days
, you will earn the bonus amount if the page submitted collects 20,000 pageviews within the first full 60 days after being deployed to the website. - Google Analytics will be the only analytics service used to track bonus requirement pageviews.
- Pageview reports from Google Analytics will be made available no less than once every month to bounty program participants to track their progress towards meeting the bounty bonus requirements.
- All gift cards will be sent electronically within 15 days after the bonus period has completed.
- RainbowSixBootcamp.com, is not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards after delivery and will not be able to provide a replacement.