The first official season DLC release for Rainbow Six Siege, Black Ice, is being released today, 2/2/2016.
Here are the details you need to know about Black Ice:
- A new CTU, Canadian Special Forces - JTF2, is being added to the game
- Two new operators are being added to the game, Buck and Frost
- A new map is being added, coming from the frozen wasteland of Canada, is the Yacht map, the map is available immediately
- Season pass holders will have access to the new operators starting today while everyone else has to wait till 2/9/2016 and they will be available for 25000 renown or 600 R6 credits
- In order to release the new content, the developers need to put the system into maintenance mode, which should be happening between 9AM - 11:30AM EST starting with PS4, then X1, and finally PC
- You will need to exit the game client and re-enter to download the latest game files
To celebrate the release of Black Ice, we are launching a new look to Rainbow Six Bootcamp. We have worked very hard over the last few weeks developing a more aesthetically appealing site while making it even easier to find information about the game. Let us know what you think in the comments below.