Ubisoft Nerfed Weapons

nerf, update, weapons updated
Ubisoft Nerfed Weapons

EDIT: This was a mistake as weapons were not nerfed, the damage was changed to display the amount of damage done to operators wearing light armor.

Along with Ubisoft’s Season One v2.0 release of Rainbow Six Siege, came a fairly unnoticed nerf of weapons. Every weapon in the game before v2.0 was nerfed, a few more significantly than others.

Below is the complete list with before and after damage amount.

Nerf Pattern

Most of the weapons presented the following pattern as how much they were nerfed by.

newDamage := math.Floor(damage * .066)

Defender Weapons Greater Overall Nerf

Defenders weapons were hit the hardest as the MP5, MP5K, and 9x19VSN collectively received a reduction in 22 damage points. The only other significant nerf was Glaz’s OTs-03 which received a nerf of 28 damage points.

Before & After v2.0 Weapon Damage

Weapon Damage < v2.0 Damage >= v2.0 Change
416-C Carbine 45 42 3
417 65 61 4
5.7 USG 38 36 2
552 Commando 50 47 3
556xi 49 46 3
6P41 42 39 3
9x19VSN 42 36 6
AK-12 47 44 3
AR33 45 42 3
Aug A2 44 41 3
F2 42 39 3
FMG-9 35 33 2
G36C 40 38 2
G8A1 39 37 2
GSH 18 42 39 3
L85A2 48 45 3
LFP586 64 60 4
M1014 45 42 3
M45-Meusoc 50 47 3
M590A1 48 45 3
M870 60 57 3
MP5 40 33 7
MP5K 40 31 9
MP7 38 36 2
OTs-03 180 152 28
P12 48 45 3
P226 Mk 25 53 50 3
P9 40 38 2
P90 30 28 2
PMM 58 55 3
R4-C 44 41 3
SASG-12 50 47 3
SG-CQB 53 50 3
SMG 11 34 32 2
UMP45 48 38 3

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